song fight! submission
email specifications:

Up To My Neck
Your Band Name

This is formed from your band name (not including "the"), all lower case, with no spaces, an underscore, and an acronym of the title (or in the case of one word titles, the title), followed, of course, by a period and the file extension "mp3". MP3's only! We do not post .m4a or other file types. More info in the faq.

You wouldn't think we would need to say this, but use the actual title as shown and your actual band name, kapeesh?

Here's how it works. Click the names to listen, then check the boxes next to your favorites to vote for as many as you like, but at least two. Check all the good ones, don't check any of the bad ones, then press the vote! button to register all of your votes at once. One round of voting per fight per customer, please.
how it works
Song Fight! is a free online songwriting competition.
We provide a title, you write a new song for the title and email us an MP3 by the deadline. We post the songs, listeners vote for a winner. There is no prize. See the FAQ for full details.
next week's fight
Up To My Neck
Due: Sunday, 03/23/25 9:59am PDT

Optional challenge: Break something and include the sound of it breaking
yourbandname_utmn.mp3 sent to (full instructions)
last week's fight
fight anniversaries
Tricked For The Last Time
winner: The Gross Tones
So Much Universe
winner: tobyroktot
Robot Ninja Zombie Bear
winner: Torrentz
Pig Sticker
winner: Minty Handy
Let's Go Boy
winner: Bolthead
Everybody Now
winner: Ants (Invisible)
Systematic Panic
winner: Add
Devils Live In A Quiet Pond
winner: Draft
Punk Bartender
winner: WreckdoM
Our Love Violates Corporate Policy
winner: Minty Handy
Me the Merciless
winner: Boltoph
song news
COVID-19 Global Pandemic
Please stay safe and stay healthy out there. Song love!
Submission Email Auto Reply Disabled For Now
We have disabled the automatic confirmation emails. You should receive a manual confirmation of receipt of your submission. We recommend also posting to the pre-fight thread on the boards that you've submitted a song.
Song Fight! Live 2025 Seattle 8/8-8/10
Spud has announced that he will host Song Fight! Live 2025 in Seattle on August 8th through 10th. Exact schedule TBD. Head to the boards to follow along as details are ironed out and announced. Hope to see you there!
New album "the cloud chamber" from miscellaneous owl!
miscellaneous owl has released the album "the cloud chamber" to BandCamp, featuring songs written in February 2025 for February Album Writing Month (FAWM 2025). Check it out!
New single, video, album from Dennis of sonofsupercar!
Dennis's longtime band Kindly Swears has a new video for their new single off their new album! You can find the new album "Kiss Everything Hello" on all major streaming platforms now. Go check it out!
got news of interest to songfighters? playing a gig? got a new cd out?
send your song news here.