Style GuideThis guide covers the use of the Song
Fight! logo and other graphic assets common to the Song Fight! website and
related enterprises. These guidelines apply to all "official" content areas
(i.e. hosted and/or authorized by the fightmasters), but may be of use to those
preparing other materials, including cover art, show posters, etc.
Questions regarding proper usage may be addressed to
Logo Design ParametersThe following diagram
documents the graphic design of the Song Fight! logo:

The logo is created in the font "Impact", using
standard spacing. Leading or line spacing is 86% of the font size. The
word FIGHT! is centered below the word SONG and scaled to 85% Colors, as
noted, are RGB: C60000; CMYK: 0,0,1,0.224; or Pantone: 485
You can check
the spacing between the two lines by comparing the horizontal white space in
the "G" with the space between the "G" and the exclamation point (marked "A"
here). They should be the same.
If the logo is placed in a box, as shown
here, the space around the horizontal and vertical components at the perimeter
should be the same as the distance between the "F" and the "I" in FIGHT (marked
"B" here). Note that the curved letters and the exclamation point may encroach
into this area.
Downloadable Logo ImagesHere are a number of
pre-made logos in a variety of varations, formats, and sizes that you can
download. All .png files have transparent backgrounds, and all .bmp files
are bitmaps (black and white only).
Red on white is the preferred
"official" version, but there are times when one of the variations may be more
appropriate to the context or application.
width (in pixels): |
1500 |
1200 |
800 |
400 |
200 |
150 |
100 |










































Vector Art: Downloadable .EPS files:
This .eps file
allows you to create a logo in any size, using your favorite graphic design
software. Font has been converted to paths, with hole in the "O" punched out,
and filled with Pantone 485. Loads into Photoshop at any scale. Click the image
or download here. |
An outline-only
version of the .eps logo in black. Click the image or
download here. |
Alternative Long Logo TreatmentOne of the above
standard official logos should be used wherever possible. However, there are
times when the squarish shape creates problems. This linear version of the name
"SONGFIGHT!" should be used in these situations. It is created with Impact font
at 85% width. Downloadable variations available here:
width (in pixels): |
1500 |
1200 |
800 |
400 |
200 |
150 |
100 |














Song Fight! Fighting Musicians DrawingThis drawing
was a part of the original Song Fight! site hosted by narbotic, and is often
used alongside the logo. Starred sizes are exact multiples, bold is original.
Remaining sizes are interpolated. Traditionally, the pixelation of the original
is retained when enlarging the image. It should never be anti-aliased or
proper scaling:
improper scaling:

width (in pixels): |
1500* |
1200* |
800 |
600* |
400 |
300* |
200 |
150* |








Logo TreatmentsTreatments of the logo are
encouraged, especially for cover art, posters for shows, etc. Treatments that
create a thematic variation while retaining the essential design parameters are
best. Here are some examples:
Austin Live Event |
10 Year Anniversary |
Valentines Day |
New York Live Event |
Spelling, Grammar, UsageSong Fight! is the
preferred usage for the name of the website, in either mixed or all upper case
(i.e. SONG FIGHT!). Note that this is two words, with an exclamation point, as
dictated by the logo, and should be used as the first reference in any written
material when referring to the website.
It is acceptable to shorten it
to Song Fight (two words, mixed case, no exclamation point) or Songfight (one
word, first letter capitalized no exclamation point) or when the full and
proper name becomes unweildy, or when referring to Song Fight! activities other
than the website itself. "I participated in a Songfight event recently" looks
better than "I participated in a Song Fight! event recently".
Those who
participate in Songfight activities are called Songfighters. The
activity of participating in a Song Fight is called Songfighting.
Other Graphic Assets: fdrinkSome time ago, jb coined
the phrase "I'm kind o fdrink ruight now", and spud made a graphic for use on
t-shirts, mugs, etc. This graphic is available for download here:
width (in pixels): |
2400 |
1200 |
800 |
400 |
200 |




