
02/21/05 play 1000 Words
04/25/05 play A & A
09/13/04 play Are You Having Fun?
03/29/04 play Brother In Law
04/12/04 play Don't Forget to Come to My House on Wednesday
04/20/04 play Gettin' All Sweaty
08/16/04 play Gin or Ginseng
06/30/04 play In Full Effect
07/30/04 play In The Ditch
03/25/05 play Let's Go Boy
05/04/04 play Mission Accomplished
10/19/04 play Nearly Burned the House Down
03/29/04 play Nicely Toasted
07/09/04 play Paperback Writer
06/23/04 play Sincerity Machine
05/20/04 play Snooter
05/28/04 play So Kind Stacey
04/27/04 play Take a Pill
06/14/04 play Thanks for Coming
10/04/04 play Tri-State Area
03/09/05 play Turn the Power On
05/12/04 play Twelve Monkeys
07/23/04 play Under The Wagon
04/05/04 play Zombie Son

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24 entries, 0 wins = 0 percent.