cover art by Chris Onstad
What We Need More Of Is Science
08/11/03 - 08/18/03
winner: MC Hawking
total votes: 551
In what any other week would have been a triumphant win for JBB with 62 votes, the Hawkman runs away with it with 270. Thematic content brought lots of downloads for everyone this week, so we all win. Yay!
key: play play mp3 play go to artist page

play artist Abecedarian
||| 6

play artist Ad Et Al
|||||| 15

play artist Bluefour
|||| 9

play artist Bob Genghis Kahn
|||||||||||||||| 42

play artist Brody
||||| 12

play artist Brother Machine
||||||||| 23

play artist Captain Catsup
|||||| 16

play artist Charcoal

play artist Extra Credit
| 1

play artist Future Boy
|| 5

play artist G44E

play artist Heuristics Inc.
|| 3

play artist The John Benjamin Band
||||||||||||||||||||||| 62

play artist Jonny Juice and the Good Time Boys
|| 4

play artist Jon Eric

play artist A Kid Named Ace
|||| 10

play artist MC Hawking winner
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 270

play artist Mob01d
||||| 12

play artist Mondo Guitarro
||| 8

play artist Mosswoodians
||| 7

play artist Milwaukee Youth Center Choir
|||||| 15

play artist Octothorpe
| 1

play artist Squirrel vs. Bear
||| 8

play artist Starboard Valve
|| 3

play artist Test Tube Steak
| 1

play artist tripped
||| 8

play artist Unhappy Clowns Society of Frankston
||| 6

play artist Wheres Peter
|| 4

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