cover art by Old Ross
Keep All Your Promises
01/08/10 - 01/18/10
winner: Fortune's Favorites
total votes: 113
Fortune's Favorites is indeed the favorite some places in the world - Mexico and Amsterdam, for example. WTFBBS defies their reviewers to pull out a second place finish (takes more friends, guys - see above), and Torrentz fills out the top three AND gets the board's approval. Nice work.
key: play play mp3 play go to artist page

play artist A Far Off Land
|||||||||||||||||||||||| 5

play artist Architects of Desire
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 9

play artist Balance Lost
||||||||||||||| 3

play artist Barton Stink
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 9

play artist Chthonic Youth
||||||||||||||| 3

play artist c.layne
|||||||||||||||||||| 4

play artist Cobalt Stomach
||||| 1

play artist Fortune's Favorites winner
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 21

play artist The Interchangeables

play artist James Owens
||||||||||||||| 3

play artist Jeff Robertson and the Neo-Candylanders
||||||||||||||| 3

play artist King Arthur
||||| 1

play artist LML
||||| 1

play artist Lucky Spoon
|||||||||||||||||||| 4

play artist Manhattan Glutton
|||||||||||||||||||||||| 5

play artist MENBAH!
||||| 1

play artist Mister Mann
||||| 1

play artist Montana Fudge with James Peen

play artist Ross Durand
||||| 1

play artist State Shirt
|||||||||||||||||||| 4

play artist Styop Quoons

play artist Therman
|||||||||| 2

play artist Torrentz
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 10

play artist Ux Mpuzm
|||||||||| 2

play artist Wages
||||| 1

play artist The Weakest Suit

play artist WTFBBS
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 12

play artist Bingy Swirley

play artist The Sober Irishman

play artist Suckweasel

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